And here's part two (of which the previous post is part one). Now you get to decide what my best traits are: could it be that I'm unaware of what people really like about me? Oooooh, the anticipation is killing me!
Choose my positive personality traits here:
I look forward to the results. Check my last post to help me identify my unknown negative social traits - who knows, this could send me shrieking to therapy, or skipping happily down the street! *grins*
Okay, I did this one. The other one I didn't do because I didn't think that any of the attribute truly defined your negative qualities.
I would prefer to lump them all into one word: cunt.
Failing that I will have to run with the "saint" line. So sue me!
You know I love ya though.
Awwwwww. *hug* Thanks Mike.
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